Monday, May 16, 2011

Let's see so where did I leave off...

I apologize for not writing more sooner.  I've been pretty tired and just lying around. My energy level is starting to rise a little, though. Cut a gal some some slack. Not to freak you out but I'm on oxygen and breathing treatments. Soo back to my story:

We found out about the cancer, but still there were many tests to be done so we could find out where exactly it originated and where all it was.  Nothing occurred the weekend after we found out.  The following week I had more bloodwork, another CT Scan, an MRI and a PET scan.

Blood work was always at 5 AM. What the heck is that about?
CT Scans were never too bad.
MRI, well, I never opened my eyes for that one.  It was a closed MRI. It was loud and noisy.  I've never been claustrophobic, but I didn't want that to be a start for it.  There was a saving grace, though. The MRI tech was easy on the eyes :)
Lastly came the PET scan.  I was transported by ambulance. The same ambulance they use for babies! So, I was in very good hands. Apparently, they don't keep these scans in hospitals for some reason. I had to drink some radio active fruit punch (which didn't taste bad at all.)  Then they injected so more contrast into my IV.   I was then told to be still and relax in a cozy chair. I slept.  They came back to get me an hour later. Set me up for the PET scan. I fell asleep AGAIN!  Then, the same ambulance took me back to Summit.

Here are the results of all of this, here is what we know so far:
I have an Lung Adenocarcinoma Stage 3 (which means it's all up in my right lung and that is where it originated from.)
The are also keeping an eye on my lymph nodes and my T2 vertebra.  They believe the T2 issue is just arthritis as I have had quite a few back and neck problems.

With this diagnosis, I discovered that I would be able to receive the most modern up to date treatment back home at West Virginia University. BIG blessing to know I can have my Mum to take care of me through all this. Despite how much I miss my Nashy peeps, this is where I know I need to be.

Next blog the journey home.....


  1. I'm glad the MRI wasn't too bad for you. That was my worst pre-surgery test... I swear the MRI machine at one point was chanting at me, "DIE DIE DIE DIE" It was just about all I could do not to have a panic attack. I survived though, and then my mommy took me out for sushi. Yay for Moms!!! (So glad that you are at home with yours!)

  2. What the heck is the 5am blood work about?? I'm SO glad you get to be home for all of this!
