Wednesday, February 1, 2012

ACK! My face is nudie!

So,  wow, it's been a long time since my last blog!  With the holidays, and January being full of appointments, it's been a blur!  PET Scans, Ultrasounds, new doctors and blood tests. Oh My!
As of January 31, I am no longer on oxygen therapy full time. My face feels so naked!  My new Pulmonary Specialist thinks I only need to be wearing it when exerting myself and at night.  I also had a sleep study done last night.  They are concerned that I may have sleep apnea.  My breathing is still labored when breathing through my mouth and I purr sometimes. Ok, maybe I snore a little. So many people do!  I should hear the results of the sleep study in about two weeks.
WARNING FELLAS!  Girl Talk! Read at your own risk!
My PET Scan found metabolic activity in my uterus. This was also found in a PET Scan in August.  I was well aware I had fibroids, but they usually are not metabolically active.  I got an ultrasound ( yeah, the one the doctor never tells you about HOW it is done.)  The gal seemed a lil concerned and it took longer than my last one I had done.  In the report, it mentioned how this could be leiomyosarcoma ( this is yet another rare cancer- CRAP!)  So, I wound up with yet another new doctor, a Gynocologist Oncologist after speaking to my Oncologist.  My nurse managed to get me an appointment that was this morning.  I am having a D & C and biopsies early February 7.  I am well aware of the consequences of what this all could mean. Most of my life I had hoped to have kids the "good ole fashioned way." Yet, in the back of my mind, I've always known that I would probably wind up adopting.  I rest in the Lord in whatever the outcome is.  Regardless, if this is leiomyosarcoma, I say, "Out with it!"  The sooner I have answers though the better!  These procedures are all being done here locally in Morgantown.
Ok, Fellas it's Safe to Read again!
 Meanwhile, I need to make an appointment to have my regular Bronchoscopy in Pittsburgh with my hottie surgical team.  Also, with all of these procedures and all, my maintenance Chemo is on hold.  Doctors don't like to perform surgery within two weeks of Chemo. 
The holidays went by so fast. I apologize for not updating you all sooner. Then again you know how to get ahold of me.  
Peace and Love to you all!


  1. girl you make me cry every time I read your blog because your faith and love for God is so humbling. Dang you're such an encouragement. Praying for you, as always, and knowing that God's got you tight in his hands. I'm echoing you with the, "Out with it!," and know he has an incredible plan with you! Love love love you!

  2. What is the D & C? Also, what does it mean to be metabolically active? I'll look it up :O) I'm scared to know how the ultrasound was done!!! Love you!!!!

  3. Many thoughts and prayers for good results.
