Sunday, October 16, 2011

Left Lung: 75% Right Lung:25%

So that's the score right now! They also believe that the tumor is in the top lobe of my right lung which is only kicking in 4% of the breathing work right now.  Which is pretty awesome! Can I get an AMEN?

So, I have been out of the hospital for nine days. My next surgery is currently scheduled for November 1. This unfortunately means I can't make it to Nashville like i was hoping for the Lung cancer walk down there. Bummer! I was really looking forward to seeing my Nashy friends beautiful faces! I really miss you all BUNCHES!

I went to the Dr on Thursday. They originally wanted to do the next surgery this past Friday. Then, it was Monday and then Wednesday.  While we were in the appt. my surgeon spoke to the Senior Surgeon (who I still haven't met.) My surgeon spoke to him while he was in the room with us. He then stepped out for a moment. We aren't really sure what all was said, suddenly he thought I needed more time to heal. As I had a rough time recovering from surgery. He also thought that I should have another PET Scan.
It was very odd. We were going a more conservative route. I felt MUCH better about this. Despite all the downsides, (missing seeing Nashville in Nov and possibly being super sore on my Nov 15th bday) I am ready to have this tumor out of me.  They currently believe it to be a lil less that 2 centimeters big! Chemotherapy, the love, prayers and well Jesus have done immense healing.  I still have plenty to go but I have made huge strides.

Speaking of strides, (nice segway,eh) I can't believe all the people from my workplace who have stepped out to walk to fund Lung Cancer Research. I am so touched! I feel so loved and supported by you. You all are amazing! If you would like to donate to their team, or join them you can by going HERE  The walk in Nashy is Nov 5  in Centennial Park. 

For those in the Los Angeles area, my Woobie, Kristin and her family are walking in Manhattan Beach, Ca.  If you would like to walk or donate to the California Team KStar please go HERE

And finally the walk that is coming up quickly is for the American Lung Association here in Morgantown, WV. It is on October 22! If you would like to join me and my friends walking or donate, you can do that HERE

So enough pimping my cause.  Here are some drawings I did some shrinky dinks of:

Please note my"rotten potato"

Here's a song to move your soul

Much Love!


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