Thursday, August 4, 2011

The good news!

Well, I guess I won't keep you all waiting! Here is the good news. My right mess of a lung is no longer pushing into my left.  Also, some of the fluid in my lung has been absorbed. I am still going for a second opinion on the 23rd in Pittsburgh, PA at UPMC. (I think my Doc just wants to share his rare medical anomaly)  Sometime after that, they are going to do a simple procedure with a tiny lil needle to remove some fluid from my right lung. IF there are not cancer cells, I will see a surgeon. Then, they may remove my right lung and lymph nodes. Thus, removing the cancer :) 

I also found out that I do NOT qualify for the ALK-1 mutation trial that they have in PA.  

So, my doc is looking forward to hearing what his fellow doctors in Pittsburgh's opinions are on my situation.  Looks like I'll be mentioned in their lil conference meetings in PA too! I am so famous in the medical community!
So, that's what I found out. Exciting, eh. I may someday be Kristi, the one lunged wonder. ooooo

More when I know more....or if I have something to entertain you!

Much appreciation for your love and prayers!
I love you all! You keep my spirits up, ( you know along with the Spirit in the Sky!)

Much Love!


  1. Can you live on just one lung???? I know you can survive with only one kidney, but I don't know much about lungs. Are you on a transplant list?

  2. Woohoo!!! Lovin' that there's progress of some sort... and lovin' good news. Also lovin' YOU... but that's always. :-) :-*

  3. Wonderful to hear some good news! Sounds like your doctors are top flight and searching out all the best options. Love and hugs,


  4. That is awesome news! I'm glad you are making progress. Who needs two lungs anyways. Having two lungs is overrated.


  5. seriously fantastic news kristi!

  6. That is FANTASTIC news K!!! My grandfather only had one lung. Died an OLD man. *HUGS* and love you you!

  7. Sorry...that anonymous is me...Shell :)

  8. girl, this is freaking awesome! And your attitude, and humor bring me so much joy.

    "I'm pretty much famous in the medical world."

    Duh! <3 Praying for you and love you heaps!
