Ring, ring, ring goes the bell!
Hopefully, this will be the last time you see my face like this. Probably not! Anyhow, I'm going to be brave and show you my "Moon Face." Yes, I'm self coincence about it. I waited until 8 days into my radiation to treatment look into the mirror. Why? I'm not sure. But what I found, was, well, my face was "gone." This probably will not be the last time you see my face like this, *sigh,* yet a gal can hope right? When, you finish your radiation treatment, they have you "Ring the bell."
So here it is, I give you the full series of: "Ring, Ring, Ring goes the Bell."
You are a ridiculously strong and beautiful woman! Your body is working way too hard kicking cancer in the buttocks to be concerned with superficialities! Keep smiling and keep fighting!